Introduction to HTML and CSS Coding-Part2


Introduction to HTML and CSS Coding Part 2 builds on what was learned in Part 1, providing more knowledge about how to build a website. The course teaches why performance and organization are important, along with how to position content for a website on any given page.

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What Will Student Learn?


Getting Started

In the first lesson you will learn the importance of performance and organization while using HTML and CSS, including different methodologies to get you started.

Keeping your Code Reusable

Next, the importance of keeping code reusable to reduce repeated code and keep our files sizes as small as possible is explained.

Position Content

In this lesson, we will tackle how to position our HTML content with two different CSS properties: float and inline-block.

Complex Selectors

This lesson introduces different ways to apply CSS (styles) with a variety of selectors, including class and ID selectors, attribute selectors, and pseudo-class selectors.

Getting Started with Responsive Design using Flexible Layouts and Media Queries

In this lesson, we will look at ways to change layouts with relative units (percentages) versus fixed units (pixels), as well as ways to apply CSS at specific browsers widths and resolutions, using media queries.

HTML/CSS Best Practices

Finally, we will go over best practices in writing HTML and CSS, providing tips and tricks to keep your code organized with proper writing.


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