Introduction to HTML and CSS Coding-Part1


Today’s digital marketplace enables companies to use a variety of methods to better connect with their customers, most notably through the use of websites. A well-designed website provides customers with easily accessible information about the company, details on how to find or contact them, and the ability to make purchases and place orders. Businesses large and small can benefit from a website that will help drive traffic to their brand and reach more customers than ever before. The basis of many webpages is the HTML and CSS computer programming languages, which are used to build and style the content of a webpage. Learning how to use these languages is an important step to creating your own well-designed webpages.

This course is intended as an introduction to HTML and CSS computer programming languages. We will first cover the basics of these languages, then continue to explore various ways to use these languages to create an effective and well-designed webpage.

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What Will Student Learn?


Getting Started

This first lesson introduces students to the basics of HTML coding and some of the most useful commands to format a webpage. It also explores some of the most fundamental and important tags used to format a webpage and how to create lists.

Doing More with HTML

Next, we look at how to add images, links and tables using HTML.

Getting Started with CSS

In this lesson, we will introduce you to the major concepts used in CSS coding to style your webpage. We will start with the basics of CSS, then how to define colors in CSS. We also look at adding IDs and classes using HTML and CSS code to group elements.

Styling Text with CSS

This lesson introduces you to different types of fonts and how to change the font of text. We also look at additional properties for defining text on your webpage and, how to use font shorthand for your CSS code.

Extended Styling Techniques Using HTML and CSS

In this final lesson, we take a look at grouping elements using span and div tags as well as inline and block formatting. We cover setting width, height and overflow properties and, we introduce you to the CSS box model.